Handling It

Handling It: Quick Little Update with Our Friend Aga

Gavyn and Sierra
Speaker 1:

Hey, welcome back to Handling it. Today's just gonna be a short little episode, but I'm here in Florida with Aga and we just had a really special day here and with Santa Fe College in the. So in Gavin he's been traveling. He just got back home from Hershey, so we didn't have an episode planned out for this week, but we definitely wanted to extend our thank you for nominating and voting for us for podcast of the year. That Park Lane nomination was super awesome and unexpected, to be honest, because what we started was, you know, just us two wanting to have this way of communicating with each other and instead of talking on the phone, here we are doing the podcast but also being able to showcase and talk to our friends and people. We were inspired from and Local, you know groomers, whether it's in our area or the places we meet at trade shows. Anyway, I have Aga here.

Speaker 2:

Hello everyone again.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So, aga, if you haven't listened to her episode, it's one of the beginning ones. We talked all about botanica and whatnot, but Aga and I just had a class at Santa Fe College. We talked about her water, water focused class and like the pH level and solution is the solution. Yeah, dilution is the solution and what's behind that between the water temperatures and product and and how to how to do that. But should we talk just a little bit about that, like the class that we taught? Because you're gonna you're doing this nationwide, aren't you? You're doing your tour, so you're going to like New York and Iowa and, yes, exactly you know will go actually exactly where you want me to be.

Speaker 2:

So if anyone would like to post that kind of meeting, just let me know. I'm really open to that because I kind of like Everybody who knows me, they know that I'm into like code preparation and all the prep work Doing underdogs, either if it's like grooming like a good a grooming at the studios, like mobile groomers, or like dog shows or Competition groomers. So that's for me very important. I and I know that a lot of people Didn't extend their Possibilities to use the product On the dogs that they are working, so they missing out the effect because they don't wrap correct. So I'm really into talking about that and I would like to do it as much as I can. I do that from 11 years right now and I always like say this delusion is the solution. But this is really true, like not only with our product but with all the other products?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so like. I think that like other companies start to seeing also that right now Right talking about, like your mix match theory, in like the, in the reason behind your, your slogan the dilution is the solution.

Speaker 2:

Because yeah, water temperature Supposed to. Yeah, it's really important, especially when you travel for a different States. Yeah, you have different water, you have different humidity in there, so you kind of needs need to like Adjust your way of bathing to the conditions that you are like showing or like.

Speaker 1:

Working? Yeah, for sure. I mean, we're in Florida right now. I could not imagine I feel like that. Take me forever to blow jargon this humidity. Yes, yeah lucky to be an I, a y feel. Maybe in the winter I won't feel the same, but no, and I feel so. When we taught that class earlier today, we had a lot of amazing local rumors here in Gainesville. But knowing that, even seeing their faces of like uh-huh, I get it. Like that makes sense, like they knew everything.

Speaker 2:

But just having that validation of like because this is the common sense and like using products and like Various temperatures and various pH and stuff, but like people don't think about it, we are so catch up with the work and go like on and on and on that we don't think that just like Changing a little bit in the routine can help you a lot with maintaining the codes and the effect of the groom that you are Like want to achieve.

Speaker 1:

So no, I think it's good and it makes the coat, that groom lasts longer and the more and more people that are using it. I know I get comments all the time from other people, like Bridget Barthelms. She's like my number one, I love her so much. She's in Iowa as well, but she even says her clients are noticing something and she switched. She made the change like four or five months ago, so it's really being so. I think that's. That's good, but what did you think about the class today?

Speaker 2:

Oh, it was really amazing because usually it depends from the classes, you have like different people with different like Level of the knowledge. But this was like a lot of people that they knew what is going on around and how to Work on the business level, like the baby in the boat, preparation and everything but they still was like kind of ketchup on the stuff that was different from them. Yeah, the stuff that we are talking about mixing, matching products and especially the several stuff, yeah, that you can cut the Time of the conditioning.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't have to use the step three of the conditioning. You can add it to the second step and the buff is shorter, and then the effect is like you use a really good conditioner and plus, the time of the Drank is not extended, it's it's really based out.

Speaker 1:

So they were like shock, they were reaching for the products to see that was really well the moment you made them put that mask and rub it in like lotion, you could just tell like they've probably never. But just put a conditioner or a mask on their hands to see how you know. And like one person even said that she's like I've never just thought of like seeing how it my skin would drink it versus another, versus a dog. So I think I love having those little, even if it was just a two-hour class. I love being able to communicate and just to show people how not that they were doing anything wrong, but like how you, you know other brands like Resk or Redkin or Palmichol. They have that, they, they have their rep, come into us, there's Cosmetology salon and like help them show how to use it.

Speaker 1:

So I feel like just that's two hour class was you know if you started with the product. This is just really helping them understand the product and really give them that schooling or like that continuing education of you know, of the bare bones, like taking it back and just kind of you know they, they knew it, but they almost like we're on autopilot to realize slow it down, figure out the water temperature, figure out what product is going to do the job that you're asking the dog the coat to do that you wish. But you know, I think a lot of people over using yeah, so much.

Speaker 2:

And they kind of dump the dollars into the train because they use too much, they don't dilute the product that they suppose to.

Speaker 1:

They think that the more concentrated will work better, which is false which, when you so today at the workshop guys, she mixed a couple different ways of shampoo. But when you mix that shampoo and that clear bottle you brought today, it didn't like you turned it upside down and it go anywhere, like your stuff is, yeah, it's good, so like the more you put water in it, like you don't need a lot of stuff, and I feel like it was a lot of aha moments of that. Um, then I have never looked through a clear bottle Like those bottles are great. What you had today, yes, um, because you could see, and then you'd upside down and it was just like showing people.

Speaker 2:

So because most of the dilution bottles are like kind of like plastic.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you can see through, you can see through.

Speaker 2:

So that's why we use those on presentations, because then you I can flip it and you can see how concentrated the product is, especially the volume up, yeah, and the heart and the shiny. They are very, very concentrated. So, uh, when you put them in, this is like kind of like sticky something inside. So you need to dilute correctly and to use on the dog. So when you try to put it like directly to the dog from the tube or for this, like vertical answers, but it's almost impossible to spread it on the go, yeah. So when you dilute the products, you have so many benefits, so much, yeah. So that's why we try to educate people and that's like kind of my goal, yeah, so to show people in different ways and how can they save. It's not only about the product, but also about water, about electricity. It's also important for, like, mobile groomers yeah, because they have a lot of water for the day.

Speaker 2:

Exactly so when they can cut time off the bath with the serum, it also can cut time to washing them. Washing out time with the correct dilution ratio, it's like pure benefit for them, yeah, so it's very important.

Speaker 1:

No, I love that and I do want to know we're doing a short, short little hey guys, what's up? Episode this week. But I'm not kidding guys. My favorite thing about all of these little workshops or all of these connection to connecting times is this community that you get to see in every little area. We had I don't know how many different salons Six, something like that Different salons come together with their groomers and they all like I mean it was like they all kind of knew each other but they didn't, besides the people that came together, but just that camaraderie and just building and like, oh my gosh, we should do this more Like it was such a good feeling, like that's my favorite thing of this entire industry is the community that we can build and do this together.

Speaker 2:

Plus, also, for me, it's like very important that all the people has the same issues, yeah, and they have the same kind of educational needs. So when you talk with them, it's not like I'm lacking something and I'm struggling with something and everybody else. So, also because I see them on Instagram or like Facebook, they are so great. Well, everybody has this like kind of more tough moments in the, especially in the business that you are in, like the grooming, so you just need to reach to people and talk and ask questions and look for that kind of like meetings and traditional stuff that you can extend your knowledge and also see that it's not only you like everybody's struggling with some. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

And that's cool because even the, the grimmers that were here today, they all voiced like what they were struggling with, and if one person didn't have an answer, somebody else did, and then they vibe, and that's my favorite thing.

Speaker 2:

Because there is, like, some stages that you go through when you have your own business or you work, even for someone. You always have these stages, but, like there is some issues with the system, with the like produce, with the like dogs that coming not in the correct time, yeah, like you, that is always solution for everything.

Speaker 1:

You just need to find the way, yeah, brainstorm with people and figure out what worked for them or what didn't work, and but no, today it always gives me energy. I mean, it's almost midnight here and we're recording because I'm like we didn't record an episode. And Gavin, he's just been traveling and he's trying to get his home stuff going and I haven't posted about our Barklea honors award because I have been kicking my butt trying to get Grim Curriculum going and that's the whole reason why we're here. In Florida is Santa Fe College is our very first dog grooming program, so in November they're going to be offering training for people that want to become a professional groomer.

Speaker 2:

Real education for the groomer.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, real education. We've gone through three different accreditations and we're ready for this to get on the road and start really making a change and helping and being able to be able to have a hand in that.

Speaker 2:

And you know what surprised me a lot today, like when I said that we are here for you and you can reach to us and we can select the correct product for your studio, for your grooming place. They all were shocked, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Like you would do that for me yeah.

Speaker 2:

Seriously, I'm like yeah, that's why I'm here. I'm like putting myself out there. So just reach out and ask questions and we can help.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but what you're doing is not what a lot of companies in the dog grooming industry specifically is doing. Like you're doing, what like a lot of like that Paul Mitchell or Redkin, or Because I love people to understand- my philosophy of grooming and my products.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and that's what people train, like Redkin, they train their people to go to salons, their reps to train the salon to use it. So I think what you're doing is super cool and I don't know. Just, I remember when they were like just figuring about, like water temperatures, super important for different oily or dry or old or young, like, and then matching your product with it. It was like you say, it's a true game changer and people are just missing simple, simple steps.

Speaker 2:

But man, it's a good day. We had a good day. It was really awesome, yeah, and kind of like that kind of days keeps you going.

Speaker 1:

I mean, it's midnight, we're still here, baby, we are still here, so, but All right, well, we will have a new guest. Everyone loves Aga, though, so in Gavin he is. It's midnight. I messaged him. He doesn't even know we're doing this. He'll read this tomorrow, you'll see. You can listen to a surprise episode. But we're trying. We're human beings with a lot on our plate and that now that contest season is slowing down to the hot minute, we're gonna.

Speaker 2:

We're gonna put some good episode topics together with certain people and we're gonna have our next little series going and it's gonna be good and I would like to thank you all the people that reached out to me after the last podcast with me and there were so many people like with nice warming words and like wanting to know more about the products and about bathing routine, so I really appreciate that and, like, if you ever hesitate that you want to collect, just like say hi and like ask the questions. I'm gonna be here, I think, to do that.

Speaker 1:

So and it's crazy because on our podcast, like app that we go through, it's like this thing has grown. I think we're barely at 10 episodes and we have over like 7000 downloads on our last episode. So, like it is, yeah, it's good. I mean, there's a lot of people out here, so thank you guys for following us, but yeah, all right.

Speaker 2:

Thank you so much and like we are here for you.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

We're here.

Speaker 1:

All right, until next time. Bye guys.

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