Handling It

Handling it: Botaniqa, Revolutionizing the Pet Industry (ft. Agnieszka Pluta)

Gavyn and Sierra Episode 4

Join us on a journey of discovery with Agnieszka Pluta, co-founder of Botaniqa, who enlightens us on the art of proper pet grooming, the relevance of water, and the need to dilute products. More than a tutorial, it's a peek into an under-explored aspect of pet care, where hydration is key for achieving a shiny, healthy coat.

Ready for some laughs? Aga's got that covered too! Accompany this driven entrepreneur as she battles language barriers, financial hurdles, and even a major injury, armed with nothing but a dream and a dogged determination to revolutionize the pet product industry. But it's not all hard work and no play. Aga's infectious energy and sense of humor spill into her storytelling, as she shares an unexpected encounter with a policeman in a hospital waiting room. 

In a market saturated with commonplace products, Botaniqa emerges as a breath of fresh air, with its focus on efficacy and aesthetics. Aga's tale is one of grit, resilience, and an unwavering commitment to quality. Get ready to be inspired, entertained, and educated as we delve into the world of Botaniqa, explore the complexities of pet care, and celebrate the spirit of entrepreneurship. So, sit back, relax, and let Aga, Sierra, and Gavyn guide you on a journey that promises a wealth of knowledge, a dash of humor, and a whole lot of inspiration.

Collections – Botaniqa Global, Inc. (botaniqa-usa.com)
Discount Code: HandlingIt

Dog Supplements | PawMega | We Make Dog Food Better – PawMega - Make Dog Food Better

Dog Grooming Solutions – Botaniqa Global, Inc. (botaniqa-usa.com) Discount Code: HandlingIt

Speaker 1:

Hi, welcome back to another episode. We're here today with Aga Aga from Botanica. Hello, Thank you for being here.

Speaker 2:

Hello everyone.

Speaker 1:

We're so excited to talk about Botanica and specifically talk about you, because we all love Botanica. But, like, after I got to meet you, I felt even more in love with Botanica just because of like your drive and just like the way that you handle yourself is like so inspiring to me, so it just it means a lot that you're able to be here today. Thank you.

Speaker 2:

Oh, my God, that's so sweet. It's really a lot for me like hearing that and I really appreciate that you invited me and you want to talk about everything.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so do you want to tell us a little bit about, like, how you started Botanica and how you got into, like, making products for pets?

Speaker 2:

Of course, the Botanica is owned by me and my business partner, so we are like two people that created it in the really crazy idea back in 2012. It started, but we had this idea a long time before that and when you think about totally different markets the European market, poland it was crazy idea. Everybody was telling us that this idea is will not work. You cannot sell the products that has no dog on the label, that it's really out of the space idea and nobody will buy it. It was really hard because we believed in our idea of based of extract, natural products but yet effective, because many times we had products in our hands. They were based on natural extract or natural products, but they weren't effective, and we were the people that was interested in the dog shows, dog grooming on the high level. So those products first of all have to work. What they say that they work. They need to do that.

Speaker 2:

So, that was really our goal to create good products with the quality, effective, affordable for people and also for me, looking nice when you put it on the shelf or on the even of the bathtub, when you are just a pet owner and has a product, Because when I was a little girl and had a dog, the product was so ugly with this really bad labels.

Speaker 2:

They were like not smell good and look ugly. So everybody was hiding this and in my mind was like really nice to create a product that will be on the level of human great product.

Speaker 1:

So yeah.

Speaker 2:

So you started botanica.

Speaker 1:

You started in Poland, right Like it was mostly over there.

Speaker 2:

Yes, we started in Poland and we were selling basically only in Poland at the beginning. But we, our plan and our goal was always go further. That's why all the labeling and all the front was in English. Only because we were like kind of had open minded and wanted to go and create, you know, good, really good product. Everybody will say that Polish products is very, very good because at this time on the market there wasn't that kind of quality of product produced and made in Poland.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, was it hard to get products to the US from Poland? Like, what did that process look like for you guys?

Speaker 2:

Oh, that was really, really hard because we started 2012. So it was 10 years ago. We are not company, that was just out of nowhere and just like one year ago in the market. So it was like 10 early, long years working on the brand and being in different countries in Europe, and not only Europe, because we had also, like Israel, hong Kong, indonesia before United States.

Speaker 2:

So but we had so many questions from people from United States when Botanica will be available in United States. So we try to figure out the idea of doing this in your country. And I always loved United States. I was there on the work and travel visa when I was studying and I was in love and I always wanted to do something there. So once the opportunity came that to go and to start doing that, we just did it because we said like if not now, it will be never. So I just flew there, we shipped the pallets, I opened the company and we start selling. But it was really welcoming from especially dog show people at the beginning. So it was really amazing Like everybody who tried was like in love in the products and that gave us a lot of encouragement and like it was so you know building and then you can work almost 24 hours Like.

Speaker 2:

I was listening to last podcast about burnout and I was like when I was in Europe and doing like all this stuff, I felt that also. But when the United States came up, it gave me like a boost to work Because it was something new, something different, because this market is totally different than the European market.

Speaker 3:

Can you tell our listeners you're like being a little girl at the MTV and like?

Speaker 2:

the fact that yes.

Speaker 3:

America. You want your products in there, but like, this is something you've manifested for, like ever and how you like, learned your English and like with MTV, like you're such a badass and I hope everyone knows like this girl does carry herself so well, she, if you just heard her.

Speaker 3:

She just said she packed up pretty much a plane, shipped her cargo over here and started up a business in America Like yeah people are afraid to start a business in their hometown and what you just did and yeah, it's not a, it's not a company that just started a year ago. I always feel like my job on this podcast is to be people's hype. Man Gavin pulls the information and I'm like this girl is something, but you know, it wasn't Botanica. I want to say it like Poland, bonita or how do you say it? Bonita? I love how you say it in your accent, but say Botanica.

Speaker 2:

Oh Botanica.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, botanica Okay okay, I know what you are going like. When I was, when I was in Poland, I was studying Poland, I finished my master degree and also I studied technology, so this science with the dogs and everything. So I lived in this city. It's called Stetsyn, it's just five kilometers from Germany, so they kind of keep us learning the, teaching us German, which I it's not my favorite language. I always wanted to speak English, so I was listening to MTV, all the songs, and this was the first like steps of learning English. And then I, of course, I went to like the private speaker. I start to learning. But my huge like wow was when I came to United States for the first time on my study for the work and travel visa and nobody speaks. Like they teach us to speak English, english, not American English.

Speaker 3:

And my.

Speaker 2:

English was, like you know, present, perfect, continues and all those like you know, tenses that nobody like use this, and I was so shocked it was like, oh, that's easy. So it was really good. Like this gave me a lot of like self confidence, like coming to United States and it's like kind of open my eyes back. But then, you know, I was study like just like in basic city in Poland and then I was in killing the Vermont, even if it's like really small city. It was like so like refreshing and kind of give you the opportunity to like dream big and you can see that you can do everything.

Speaker 2:

So yeah okay, I was waiting a lot of time to come back and do something in the United States, but but still, you know, we build this company from zero, or even you can say from minus, because we both of us didn't have like wealthy parents or like something that we can start with. So we basically what we did. We took a loan on a really huge interest to start doing that, and it was really hard on the on the beginning, of course, but, like you know, everybody says like life is hard. It is, but it's like mindset that keeps you going and even if something happened like really bad, you need to be positive, like, for example, with my head lately.

Speaker 1:

It was, it was also like we have to like talk about that, because you are literally like that's why you inspire me so much, so like you had that injury, and then you had a major surgery. Well, I guess technically two major surgeries, right, because one was like the amputation and one was like them fixing your other finger. That was here.

Speaker 2:

Actually it was like once, because on the accident my finger was actually chopped off. So it was like I was done. Yeah, I was done, basically, and the other was I was hoping. You know, I was looking at my finger and I swear to you that those people on the ER and this trauma response hospital will take stories about, like, will say stories about me, because I don't know why, but I was in, so adrenaline and everything but. I didn't feel the pain when it happened.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but you did that and that, like you went through that and you had to get surgery and you were in the hospital. And then what? Four days later, five days later? We had this big project and it was like in Dallas and you're in Florida and you just had this huge surgery and then, like four days later, you're just in Dallas ready to film for two eight hour days. Like that was amazing and I will always look up for that.

Speaker 2:

You have to do that, Like. I mean, like, what is the point of sitting in the house? And like feel pity about yourself if you can do something productive. And you know, like sitting at home.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, and we had fun and like yeah it was so much fun.

Speaker 3:

I want to live together. I had the best time. But I want to bring it back, guys, for the people that don't know. Aga had a warehouse incident, because it does happen and it was a freak accident. But you were climbing a big inventory shelf right in the warehouse.

Speaker 1:

You know, save yourself.

Speaker 3:

So that happened. She had surgery, put a pin in her in her ring finger, booked a ticket because we had a project going on, and she came with a pin in her finger and a pinky that no longer is there, and she, she. But that's the thing, you have such a drive and you have such a vision and you and you really believe in in botanica and you really believe in having your product in these schools nationwide and teaching people how to use the products the right way. And like that's just your drive and that's just how amazing you are. And like no, I don't, I couldn't name of anybody to do that, just you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And that's why I love botanica is because it's really common, especially here in the United States. Once they find out how big the pet market is, like they just want in and they don't care about the quality per se, they just want to make the cheapest product and they want to put it out there so people will buy it, because they just see like the potential of the market that is here in the country. But you kind of did the opposite, like you wanted good products.

Speaker 1:

You didn't just want something that could be out on the shelves, you know, like you wanted something that's going to help groomers and help handlers and breeders and people who pour their lives into these dogs, and I think it shows and we can all feel it and I know like personally, I like used to be stressed about bathing my dogs but I'm like, oh, I have like moisturizing and protecting coat mask, like I don't have to worry about mats or stickers because it's just so good and it's just, it's really amazing and it's just impressive everything that you've been able to do. Like it's amazing.

Speaker 3:

Right, and can I also you go?

Speaker 1:

Nope, yeah, no, you can do this. Yeah, yeah, fireman God. No-transcript. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yes, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And that speaks for itself. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's one of my favorite products.

Speaker 3:

Actually, when I went to Mexico, I packed that and I sprayed myself in my braidsmaid dress. I was like, yeah, the whole wedding party did it. Like it's some good stuff. Oh, that's funny.

Speaker 3:

But I also want to know I mean, I'm not sure if you can see the way that you hustle when you possibly can you don't see the creators hustling the way that you hustle. Like you don't see the people that have the background and the knowledge that can create a product like that and not be bought out after a year of success. You don't see someone like you at all in this industry, and you're not just the grooming industry, you're also on the confirmation world. What did you just do with your shitsuit in Florida? Like you are like I just want everyone to know this girl and the seriousness of her and all that she brings to our industry, because you I don't know anything confirmation world and I'm not going to murder her, I'm just going to let you tell us what you did. But like people try to do that for years and you moved here and you did it like that. Okay, yes.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Yes, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, wow, yeah, that's incredible.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Is there something in your life that that altered that mindset for you? Is there something that? Or were you just from day one Like you, just if you think it, you could get it? You just got to go and work it, to pick it up, like you just got to get there and you got to work. Is there something that you don't want to change? Like what about you? Like life changed, like altered this decision? Because a lot of people don't have that. I think I have that, but I've gone through the trauma world, like the waves and all the things that. That's all I have left now is to be positive. Okay, that surprises me.

Speaker 1:

Okay, you yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, okay, chaos.

Speaker 3:

It's just like it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

No, you're not.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah.

Speaker 3:

We miss you. I love it, I love it. I see a lot of me in you, so yeah, yeah. Yep, yep, yeah, you didn't show me, you didn't show me that you were like no, you were like okay, here we go. And I was like man, we're a good team, like, but that's how I felt, like a yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's amazing.

Speaker 3:

I absolutely love the product. Should we go into like a little snippet of what the education behind this product, what it can do? I remember when we were working in our workshop I'm just throwing, we're literally there's zero script guys, so I'm just throwing these guys for like a loop right now. But remember in our seminar we were doing a D matting or our project in Texas. We were doing a dog and you said I, you said use heat because it works with our serums. And I and we all looked at you were like what? Well, I know he opens up the cuticle of the hair, right. So that's why using, using safe heat now we're not going to burn a dog, but using safe heat, you know, automatically helps, do matter dog, and you could get a nice finished. It's like almost straightening your hair after you blow dry. You blow dry your hair, it's frizzy, you straighten it and it lays like how you want it. So that's kind of like our stretch drying with heat and it helps D mat. But you threw me for a loop or like actually one more thing our product is designed, our serum is designed to work with heat. It's not done working because it's dried. We actually help with that D matting thing Can you explain like for all the listeners to understand is like just a snippet of how to use the product from.

Speaker 3:

It's a three step system. So the first shampoo should just be cleaning, and water is important. I see a lot of people just throw shampoo on a dry dog. Water is hydrating and dog's skin doesn't see enough of it. So water is important and I've learned using your shampoo. I learned a ton at that workshop and I thought I knew your product. Then. Water is also the key to dilution. She doesn't mean it when the dilution is the solution. That product works 1000 times better when it's diluted. So it suds and it goes so much farther than just putting under your hand and slapping it on the dog. So if you could explain first step, second step, third step and then even the fourth step, because your product is so great you're not putting another product and well you could, you could put your like avocado spray and and whatnot, but just how this works, because I don't think everyone understands how great this is.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yes, yes, yes, yeah, yeah, yes.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, don't do that.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

It's that warmth. Can that work with water too? Sorry, my brain is like that works with water too. Right, like warmer water to close it. But to like oh, sorry, my brain was going to our other conversation in Texas is the D Shed shampoo and how much you just giggle to that about what it's not. But like with your products and with all the different lines that you have, if they just used warm water, that opens up that shaft, that's like the trick, right, we kind of laughed about that and like people don't know, that's like a simple basic of things. So like, instead of buying that D Shed shampoo, you actually have things for that yeah.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Yeah, that doesn't actually do anything when really temperature and an active line that has those active ingredients to actively remove coat but replenish and hydrate and renew coat. Like explain that, nope, no, no, I love it. Yeah. So I always tried to hit the bullet points and like make sure people understand that you're not just somebody, that and I think this is my third time saying this but you have the background, the knowledge, it's, you know, you have the things that work and just to know that some people are just I know I was missing out the basics you know, and just knowing, re learning, the basics of wise help a lot Since then. Since then, I will take some heat to my D Sheds after I use your charcoal shampoo and I'm terrible. I need to learn names. I am like even with people up like, thank you, fresh me up, I'm a brand ambassador. I need, I'm yeah, I need to do my homework.

Speaker 1:

But I'll pass.

Speaker 3:

Gavin will pass. I don't even know people's names.

Speaker 1:

I was just researching on like a retailer that they sell shampoo like I. Just the first one that came into mind and for one brand of shampoo, for just like one of their regular shampoos, to a D Shed it averages like 15 to $20 more for a gallon and it's just because it says D Shedding, they can do that because people think that they need it.

Speaker 1:

So it's like those things about educating people on like good products but also just technique, because you can. You can have good technique and you can have good products, but unless you have both like, you're not going to be able to get that perfectly prepped coat. And I feel like I helped teach a lot of pet groomers and that's always the thing is like they want beautiful haircuts but you can't get that until you have a beautifully prepped, clean coat.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, or else you're scissoring shampoo.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, to rebate the dog. Yeah, yeah, mm. Hmm, yeah, and that's something that's been fun to like learn about is I like. Learn through different breeds is like I love that.

Speaker 1:

If I'm like, if I'm grooming like a terrier, you know I have this dog to handstrip and I know I'm going to have to bathe them, like I want a harsh and shiny shampoo because I want that hard wire coat that you know is really structurally like intact and I know, like if I'm doing a cock or like I need something that's going to smooth down the backcoat but it's also not going to be too moisturizing, that it doesn't look good when it's finished.

Speaker 1:

So it's just like it's combining technique with products and that's what's fun to me is like I can just do something different every time and I know it's going to be a good finish. Like I can use like harsh and shiny on backcoat and then I can use volume and harsh and shiny on the legs and then I know I'm going to have these big, beautiful like bevels on my backcoat and it's just, it's so satisfying, it's so fun. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I believe that. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, it's one of my favorites. It really is. And, like you said, combining volume and harsh and shiny it for that second step on like poodles is so amazing, it's so amazing because it gets that crisp flesh texture.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Yes, yeah, it's not brushed, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

It is.

Speaker 3:

And you don't have to do step three.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and it just it's fun to use to, because it just feels like this extra, like luxurious step, because you mix the shampoo and then you add just this little bit of the serum and it just makes a huge difference, like it's fun and it's I. I've always loved bathing, but I really love it now because it's like different every time and I can play with the products and it just feels like this experience for my dogs, that is like enjoyable for them, but it's fun for me too, because I'm like feels like I'm making my own products, just mixing and matching, and it's fun. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We just, yeah, yeah, I our at our salon. Yeah, we just we added the upgrade package for the regenerate and the moisturizing and protection and I just can't wait for all these clients, especially these doodles, that they want this.

Speaker 1:

You know, like long coat, but they're struggling to brush it. Well, they're struggling to brush it because they're just dry brushing all the time and just ripping out coats. So it's like let me show you this like it's going to make a huge difference and it's going to make your life easier too. So it's like a win-win. It's really nice yeah.

Speaker 3:

I just, I just had that yesterday in my salon and they said do you notice, it's shinier and it lasts longer, like it's just the coat is like vibrant and I'm like, yeah, it's botanica, and I actually used serum last time on it, so it did like that's, that's literally what we're having and that's why it looks the way it does and and that's why you can make your six week appointment, because now you don't have to shave your dog because I used correct product and great product, like top tier product is what I told them and and it is but it prolonged that six week appointment that you know before. I'm like I'm so sorry I had to shave out the mats. The legs aren't as full as they could have been, like you know because but because we only exclusively use botanica in our salon they're even noticing that difference. It's prettier, it's brighter, it's shinier and they get to last six weeks with the haircut that they love.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah we. What we were calling that was it caroplasticity Sierra.

Speaker 3:

Oh, carotoplastics, so it's yeah, so that term is like plastic surgery. It's supposed to change this coat structure.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's hard. It's hard for me.

Speaker 3:

Just think plastic surgery, but that's your bottle, or like little bottles of plastic surgery.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because, like I remember Mackenzie said this in her Cocker webinar it's like when you wash your hair and the same thing over and over and over, like it stops to do what it did in the beginning. So you either need, like you said, to have a clean slate to just reset the coat, or you need to maybe change the way you're diluting it. But also you want to make sure that if you're using the same thing over and over and over, it's going to cause buildup because, like, you're just putting the same effect over and over. So you got to step one, make sure you're getting the coat clean, but then step two, depending on what you need. Like, obviously, if you're like, if I'm doing a maintenance bath on my poodle, I'm going to use something different versus, like, if I'm doing a haircut and I want, like, structure and volume, then it's just different every time.

Speaker 3:

So that's it, and it sits there, but not for every time, so that's awesome yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's amazing.

Speaker 3:

I know I feel like we need to have like episode two and three and four, because we could just talk and talk and talk. Conversations like this is what gets me going, and I love education, I love to know the why's and like always kind of like highlight some pieces to break it down and like almost layman terms, because I feel like some students, even some pet owners, like when you explained like the hair washing situation, like people will just, I've seen it, I've seen it a lot of times they'll wash their own hair. Sometimes they skip conditioner, sometimes they use it, they ruffle their hair with the towel and then this is in dogs, not human hair, right, and so they do that. They rough the dog up with the towel and then they just blow dry it and then I'll sit there and be like so when you wash your own hair in the shower, do you, do you skip conditioner? And they're like no, never, especially girls with like long hair. They're like no, and I'm like all right, so, like cool. So when you blow dry your hair, do you not brush it before? I'm like, oh gosh, I could never get through it. Like well, you know, it's actually safer to you know, like you do that on yourself? Why don't you do it to the dog? So I think it's.

Speaker 3:

I love being able to highlight those, the simple things, because one at one time I've seen the aha moments. It wasn't simple to other people. So that's something that I really enjoy. That both of you guys do so well is just explaining that and and aga, like your, your product literally does that and it's and you're really changing. It's like revolutionary, almost like there isn't something out there in our industry to this level of education and you're really revolutionizing people's education that aren't continuing the education, but they, they love your products. So they are because they have to figure out how to use it.

Speaker 3:

And it's not that hard. It's just the step by step by step. Well, step one, clean, step to care to plastic. You know, change the structure or don't change the structure and keep the structure and use like the harsh and shiny and then verse like conditioning. You know, make sure you close that shaft and don't have it open, or else now we have problems. So I love that, even just if this episode could help people learn these layman's things which are so simple to you. But even Gavin and I, we were mixing your mask wrong in a full bottle. You were like, oh, that's not how you mix conditioner. And we're like, what do you mean? And you know you explained it to us like a little bit in there, put just a drop of water, shake that thing up and then add the water to where you need it, like or else you're going to have clumps. Like that's mind blowing and I even had the aha moment and I wrote a whole curriculum.

Speaker 3:

So that's not nice Like.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, your energy is like infectious and it inspires like both of us so much. So, I mean so much that you were able to be here today. Thank you so much. Where can people find you on Instagram, not just Botanica, but also also you.

Speaker 2:

So Botanica is at Botanica. B O T A you can like. You can do it for myself because I'm like really bad for spelling in English, so you can have that. So it's at Botanica and my Instagram is at life of Aga.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and everyone needs to follow you.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, If I'm like having a bad day and I'm like I need to be inspired, Like I go to your Instagram and I'm like for sure I was traveling the world today. Like she just like lost a finger, but she's, like you know, being a business owner and like just running the world. You're in so amazing Aga.

Speaker 3:

Thank you. Before we end, I need to add the story of when Gavin and I tried to send you a card and alcohol and a drink. We were trying so hard and the DoorDash company, just like I didn't know you couldn't ship people alcohol, but you can't do that and Gavin wanted to get you a. Get her. What was it?

Speaker 1:

It was like a card and get well soon.

Speaker 3:

No, it was sorry for your loss for your finger. So they couldn't find Gavin's card that said sorry for your loss and you didn't get alcohol. But what you did get delivered was squirt. Yeah, and you know that's what we'll have to share. That.

Speaker 2:

That was really funny story because I was in the hospital and my friend Elena from Pestor Direct she was like taking my dog out for a walk and she came and she sent me a picture. What is that? I don't know it's supposed to be like. I'm not sure, just put it inside. It was so funny. She literally sent me the picture of this like huge pack of those like lying in front of my door and she was like what is that? I was like I don't know, just put it inside.

Speaker 1:

So the DoorDash driver, like you know, when they deliver it they take a picture and we're like looking at the picture, expecting like a teddy bear and like a car and like all this nice gift. And he takes a picture and uploads it and it's just a box of squirt and it just says squirt. And we were just like, well, that's our heart.

Speaker 3:

We tried, we really tried.

Speaker 1:

We're sorry we couldn't get you more.

Speaker 2:

But you know, with all this story, like with the finger and everything, like I literally I just need to say that because there was a, I was sitting and waiting because they decided to not put the finger back, so they was wasn't like very hard with like taking me to the surgery because there was like a lot of other people that help need help. So I was sitting on this hall waiting for my room and there was a policeman a handsome one, by the way. He was like coming up and he looked at me and I was smiling. And then I was sitting next to me, like very terrified, and I was smiling, talking with her, and he was like oh, how are you? I'm like, oh, it was, it's been better.

Speaker 2:

And looked at me, look at her and tell to say to her like oh, she gave, she got a lot of painkillers. And then I was like no, she didn't want it because she said it's not painful. And the guy just looked at me and said like literally, what the? And just like where are you from? And I was, I'm from Poland. And he looked at me like dead serious in the eyes and said that explains a lot and he went away.

Speaker 2:

Seriously, and then I was so like laughing, like seriously, like this was this situation. I tell this story. He was so like shocked that somebody didn't want to have painkillers with that kind of injury. But literally it wasn't painful. It was painful when I went out from the hospital. That was painful, but like back then I was in such a like adrenaline rush that I didn't feel so yeah, but the guy was like made my day, like what the hell?

Speaker 3:

he went away.

Speaker 1:

That's how I feel every time. I like you're just unstoppable. You're amazing, thank you.

Speaker 2:

I can't wait to see what else you have coming out.

Speaker 3:

Well, I have a lot of you. We love you. I know you do, and that's why we're like let's go. What are we doing, mom?

Speaker 2:

I'm coming back in a few days.

Speaker 3:

So it will be fun.

Speaker 1:

Well safe travels. Thank you for scheduling this, because I know the time difference is like crazy. It means a lot to us that we're able to make it yeah that's fine. Yeah, she needs to go to bed.

Speaker 3:

No, thank you so much for having me.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, thanks for having us. You're going to have to come back again, for sure. I will. Every time you want it, I'm here.

Speaker 1:

Well, thank you, have a good night, bye, bye.

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